Panama Work Day

Step back in time a few years in rural Panama and see the locals off to work In the morning. 

A machete and rubber boots is the typical attire and as many will walk to work or ride a horse. There are few cars in my area and most people get around like this fellow. Very common to pick up hitch hikers carrying machetes too. Where else but Panama? I love this place!


Panama Tambor

This is an instant classic at our house. This tambor made by my neighbor Ojer is a work of art and I couldn’t be happier with it.


Seems everyone around here has a special talent whether its making hats or sandals, or raising parakeets or making drums. This baby is hand carved and skinned with leather from a local cow. Really cool!  I love this place!

Lizard Eggs


Borrigeros are athletic, long, lean lizards very common in this part of the world. I found these in the building sand while working at our neighbors house this morning. The coin is a panama quarter with Balboa on the face. Same size and value as an American quarter.  Here is what the Borrigero looks like after hatching. 


Bigger than a gecko and smaller than the iguana. Cool find in the sand. These were not deep enough and already expired when I found them. Another randomly cool event in Agua Buena, Panama. I love this place!

Panama Arroz


Self sufficiency is a way of life here in Panama. This machine takes the husk off rice, mostly from home grown, hand cultivated farms. For about a dollar you can process a hundred pound bag in about 5 minutes. Every where I turn I see people living off the land as a normal way of life. I love this place!

What Day Is It?


From gourds to lobster and from monkeys to cliff diving, or beautiful beaches and birdwatching, I can safely say that Panama has something different to offer every day. I have been so busy with family visitors and the neighborhood I have forgotten what day it is. Again. That is pretty cool in itself. Many of my neighbors don’t know what day it is either. Escaping the rat race has been a blessing to my family and my health, and while appointments that seem important can be put off by visitors or random occurrences, the people remain happy. Did I mention the people are happy? I too, have found my happy spot and can’t grasp my old life any more. And I thank God for his experience every day.


I think this about sums up my attempt to change my life. I love this place!

Panama Conch

Quick little trip to Cambutal, Panama today for a swim with my father and what a day!  The water was great, and then we


met a snorkel diver that had a bag full of conch and lobster, so I bought a few.



Now we are having arroz con conch for dinner and some beautiful shells left over for souvenirs for Dad and his wife.
All in all another beautiful day from Panama. There are still good places to find great shells here in rural Panama. I love this place! 

Making Cups from Gourds

Another surprise today in Agua Buena, Panama. We noticed some old cups in the cupboard of a neighbor, and before we knew it we were off to get some gourds to make bowls and cups “tradicional’. Select your gourds.


Cut off the top which also becomes the base and clean out the contents very well.


A lot of elbow grease, sanding, and decorating and you have a beautiful set of durable, traditional, Panamanian bowls and cups. Also nice to have our visitors make their own souvenirs. Very cool. 


And here is a cup ready for etching and paint. I love this place!

Iguanas and Cashews

Another interesting day here in Agua Buena, Panama. Where else can you run into your favorite iguana hunter while searching for wild cashews?


Well, Oger got his iguana and we got our cashews (marañon). What a neat fruit. Eat the flesh but you must cook the nut in the shell to purge the toxins, then enjoy. I wonder who figured out how to prepare a cashew? Testers must have been paid well!


And I’ll pass on the iguana, but the marañon is quite good.