Pay Attention to Panama

So much going on in the world it amazes me how much world attention is always on this little country. There are so many things going right, and people are generally happy and content. Even here on WordPress, the interest of regular Panama is widespread. Thank you all for taking a look now and then. I love to share what I’ve found.  

 And I really like the WordPress feature that shows where you all are. Pretty neat.  

All over the world, and thank you my friends. And don’t forget, Panama still loves visitors, and we do too!  I love this place!  


Playa Venao, Panama sunset


6 thoughts on “Pay Attention to Panama

  1. Hi Jim,

    Well, in a way, you have been living in a paradise, which SoundEagle can only visit vicariously through your blog posts. Thank you!

    Also, thank you for featuring the keel-billed toucan, one of SoundEagle’s avian colleagues. According to Wikipedia:

    The keel-billed toucan (Ramphastos sulfuratus), also known as sulfur-breasted toucan or rainbow-billed toucan, is a colorful Latin American member of the toucan family. It is the national bird of Belize.[2] The species is found in tropical jungles from southern Mexico to Colombia. It is an omnivorous forest bird that feeds on fruits, seeds, insects, invertebrates, lizards, snakes, and small birds and their eggs.

    Happy May to you and your family soon!

    Liked by 1 person

      • Wow that is a long and interesting post/novel! I got a ways into it. So essentially You coevolved and one can’t exist without the other. In my case, Jimeoba and TCA can’t exist without Jim, either, but Jim could exist without them. I think. Maybe. .

        Liked by 1 person

      • HaHaHa! You funny guy, Jim! In any case, SoundEagle and Craig are actually two separate beings, definitely not one and the same.

        SoundEagle and Craig would appreciate your leaving one or more comments at the said post about coevolution. And you can be sure that both SoundEagle and Craig will give you a decent (funny is optional) reply there. Perhaps you could recount observing coevolutionary relationships in Panama and/or where you live now.

        There are some images not showing up properly in the post, I shall have to fix them sooner or later, when I have the time.


      • Whilst you are in the USA and out of Panama, SoundEagle would like to share with you the following video from the highly articulate Mrs Betty Bowers, America’s Best Christian:

        Note also the statement in the video: “Because not believing in Darwinism IS Darwinism.”

        How much you would like to agree or even “coevolve” with Mrs Betty Bowers is up to you. 😉

        Liked by 1 person

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